+What is MEXOTEL ?

The hotel offers a wide range of hotel facilities, which are characterized by multiple categories, attractive privileges, and stimulating economic fundamentals that can make a difference in the concept of hotel accommodation around the world. Based on a formula of the time and cost number.

+Target Point
  • The demand component in supply and demand is one of the most important economic factors and if added to the element of thrill and excellence with exclusivity, these actors combined is a high investment value, God willing.
  • The economic fundamentals at the Mexotel Hotel centers for the basic categories of hotel area technology are based on the following economic equation:
    • Technical Value: Less space and more number.
    • Financial value: Lower cost and higher return.
  • The services accompanying some categories are: For family and motel services provided by category (D) Business centers for category (B) Tourism and leisure category (A) Of the multiple properties of the Mexotel Hotels.
Space Technology+
What does Space Technology mean?

The technology of the hotel area is based on knowledge derived from experience in the distribution of basic facilities with the use of modern tools and advanced technical equipment (for the chambers and capsule and relaxation seats) in order to provide basic services targeted in a limited area.